Better Parks for a Brighter Community.
Our Commitment to Equity
Friends of Des Moines Parks - Fostering an equity-based culture built to encourage wellness and full utilization of outdoor recreation to everyone.
We want parks and trails to be a haven for all. Our vision of equity is that all barriers to full use and enjoyment of parks, trails, programming, and events in our community are removed and prevented. We recognize that historical and current policies and practices have created these barriers and are intentional in focusing on enhancing quality of life and healthy recreation opportunities for every single resident in our community. The Friends of Des Moines Parks is committed to equity and inclusion through our mission, our team members, our partners, and the projects and programs we support.
Contact Us
Interested in learning more or becoming a Friend to help us preserve, protect, improve, and promote the use of Des Moines parks, greenways and recreational programs for the benefit of all neighborhoods, residents, and visitors. Contact Sarah Lohmeier at sarah@friendsofdmparks.org or the field below.

1551 E. Martin Luther King Jr. Pkwy
Des Moines, IA 50317